[Security] John The Ripper 1.7.9 Jumbo 5

John the Ripper is a fast password cracker, currently available for many flavors of Unix, Windows, DOS, BeOS, and OpenVMS. Its primary purpose is to detect weak Unix passwords. It supports several crypt(3) password hash types commonly found on Unix systems, as well as Windows LM hashes. On top of this, many other hash types are added with contributed patches, and some are added in John the Ripper Pro.Changes: Support for RADIUS shared secrets and for SHA-0 was added. MSSQL (old and 2005), MySQL (SHA-1 based), and Lotus5 hashing were optimized. OpenMP parallelization was added for Lotus5. x86-64 builds now make use of SSE2 intrinsics for more hash and cipher types. More i-suffixed make targets were added (which use an icc-generated assembly file for SSE2 intrinsics), including for 32-bit x86 builds. An MD4 implementation in assembly for x86/SSE2 and MMX was added. An alternate implementation of NTLM hashing was added (--format=nt2). A binary build for Windows was made.


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