[Lượm] Bảo vệ facebook của bạn một cách toàn diện
Tiếp theo bài bao-mat-toan-dien-cho-facebook.html
As the sun is setting and I breathe some of the night time air I am inspired to write about Facebook. Yes, *the* Facebook, the third largest country if it were a physical place with boundaries under a common rule of law and government. When many people use a service such as this, it bears attention and especially when it comes to knowing about security and privacy (and our team at the Cyber Threat Analysis Center have written about Facebook plenty [tags + categories]). Chances are a person has an account with Facebook.com and chances are a person has studied and understood the various controls that Facebook provides to turn the dials on privacy and security settings for maximum comfort and desirability.
All bets aside, my goal is to step through those dials in this article. Feel free to comment and help make improvements, as has been done in my recent article on “No Chocolates for my Passwords Please!” Also, please click on any images which appear small to render the full size...........
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