[Tool] Web Application Vulnerability Scanner Evaluation Project

The results of this research are only valid for estimating the detection accuracy of SQLi & RXSS exposures, and for counting and comparing the various features of the tested tools.
The author did not evaluate every possible feature of each product, only the categories tested within the research, and thus, does not claim to be able to estimate the ROI from each individual product.

Furthermore, several vendors invested resources in improving their tools according to the recommendations of the WAVSEP platform which was publically available since December 2010. Some of them did so without any relation to the benchmark (and before they were aware of it), and some in preparation for it. Since the special structure of the WAVSEP testing platform actually requires the vendor to cover more vulnerable test scenarios, that action actually improves the detection ratio of the tool in any application (for the exposures covered by WAVSEP).

It is however, important to mention that a few vendors were not notified on this benchmark, and were not aware of the existence of the WAVSEP platform, and thus, could not have enhanced their tools in preparation for this benchmark (HP Webinspect, Tenable Nessus, and Janus security Webcruiser), while other vendors that were tested in the initial research phases released updated versions that were not tested (Portswigger Burpsuite and Cenzic Hailstorm)

That being said, the benchmark does represent the accuracy level of each tool in the date it was tested (the results of the vast majority of the tools are valid for the date this research was released), but future benchmark will use a different research model in order to ensure that the competition will be fair for all vendors.

Source: http://sectooladdict.blogspot.com/
Download: http://wavsep.googlecode.com/files/wavsep-v1.0.3-war.zip


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