[Tài liệu] Thống kê Malware - Tháng 8/2011

The green and pleasant lands of the Shire in Eriador - just West of the Brandywine River and East of the Far Downs.

The following statistics were compiled in August using data collected from computers running Kaspersky Lab products:
  • 193,989,043 networks attacks were blocked;
  • 64,742,608 web-borne infections were prevented;
  • 258,090,156 malicious programs were detected and neutralized on user computers;
  • 80,155,498 heuristic verdicts were registered.
August is traditionally one of the busiest months for the information security industry, despite the summer holiday season. Two of the top security conferences take place in August in the US: BlackHat and Defcon. These two events are a popular platform for announcing the results of top studies and not only discuss the results of the past year, but address the issues looming on the horizon. New attack methods are discussed at the conferences, in addition to different hacking technologies — some of which, unfortunately, are subsequently applied in malicious programs. Furthermore, the summer holiday season creates additional problems for individual computer users and organizations alike. People on vacation use the Internet more frequently at Internet cafes, free WiFi hotspots, airports, etc., which means they are outside of their usual security perimeter and have higher chances of becoming the victims of malicious users.
(Read more )
Source: http://www.securelist.com


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