[Pen code 2009] Computer crime law in Viet Nam

Article 224. Spreading virus to computer networks, harm to computer network, telecommunication networks, internet and digital equipments.
Article 225. Blocking or causing operation disorders to computer network, telecommunication networks and digital equipments (DDOS, BOTNET attacking).
Article 226. Illegally Spreading information into or illegally using information in computer networks, telecommunication networks or internet (hacking, abuse of credit card information).
Article 226a. Illegally accessing to other people's computer networks, internet, telecommunication networks or digital equipments.
Article 226b. Using computer networks, internet, telecommunication networks or digital equipments to obtain other people's assets (credit card fraud).
 Vietnam: http://toiphammaytinh.blogspot.com/2011/03/quy-dinh-toi-pham-may-tinh-trong-bo.html


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